Ground Breaking Inclusion in Flex Zhuhai
Flex Zhuhai is by far the most inclusive company we know of in China, within a workforce of above 40,000 employees in Zhuhai Guangdong, they hire over 500 (!) employees with physical and hearing impairments included equally and respectfully throughout their operation.

The Inclusion factory, a certified center by AHK Shanghai and Imove Germany
The inclusion Factory is proud to announce that we were officially certified as a training center by AHK Shanghai and Imove Germany for the certification of Job Coaches
For more details, visit our Social Inclusion Academy website

2017 CSR Awards!
Inclusion Factory’s 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Awards were awarded on March 30th.
The ceremony was held with the participation of Mr. Chen YongZhong, Chairman of Taicang Disabled Persons Federation, awarded companies representatives…

2017 social responsibility award
The Taicang Inclusion Factory would like to thank Taicang municipal government and the Taicang Economy Development Area Bureau for awarding our project with the 2017 social responsibility award!

Industry 3.5 at Inclusion Factory
Our own implementation of "Industry 3.5" has started operation. It will help us to be more efficient and transparent.

Our new Catalogue is out!
Please have a look. Our new catalogue lists all our capabilities and showcases our latest projects. Feel free to request a printed copy or download it here.

We won the More Than a Market Award!
Inclusion Factory is honored to have received the "More than a market"-Award 2016