2019 CSR Ceremony
On September 2nd 2019 Inclusion Factory held 2 important events: the celebration of Inclusion Factory’s 5th Anniversary & The CSR Ceremony 2019, our third one thus far, to express our appreciation and gratitude to all the support we have received along the way.
This year’s CSR ceremony was our biggest one yet. It was our honor to award 13 companies with our CSR awards. We are very thankful for all of your support along this inclusion journey.
In particular, we are grateful for the representatives of the following associations and companies that participated in the ceremony: Taicang High Tech Industrial Development Zone, Taicang Disabled Persons Federation, Taicang Software Park, Taicang Round Table, German Chamber of Commerce, as well as the 13 awardee companies and representatives of European companies from Shanghai and Taicang.
These past 5 years would not have been possible without the strong support from the Taicang High Tech Industrial Development Zone; we are thankful for your open-mindedness and being so accepting of this project. You have not only made Taicang an industry leader but also a leader of diversity and inclusion.
We would also like to express our gratitude to the Taicang Disabled Persons Federation for your support and cooperation from day one; from providing us with training premises, to referring candidates for employment, and bringing numerous visits to the Inclusion Factory.
Last but not least, we would like to thank the German Chamber of Commerce who has treated us like their little sister, and AHK for certifying the Social Inclusion Academy.
In these past 5 years, we have transformed from a sheltered factory of 12 employees and 3 customers: to a factory of nearly 30 employees, 15 customers, 13 staff members, and 20 different projects.
We have also established our Social Inclusion Academy and the Transition Program. In the former, we have trained more Job Coaches, conducted Disability Awareness Seminars, provided Supported Employment Services to companies that wish to hire people with disabilities, and provided Advisory Services to companies that wish to open factories like ours within their operations. In the latter, we have started to provide training to the graduates of the Taicang Special Education School. In May of this year, we also issued our inclusive employment report. (Inclusion at Work: Guidelines for Social Inclusion in China, which can be read here. )
Our CSR Awards consist of 5 categories: Platinum, Gold, Pearl, Long-Standing Support & Special Recognition.
Platinum Award
To be receive the Platinum Award, a company has to make monetary or equivalent contributions of 300,000 RMB and above.
This year’s Platinum Award recipient includes:
JungleFish | 太极鱼

Mr Yang Vice President of Taicang Disabled Persons Federation, Mr. Philipp Fries, JungleFish Director Brand Design, our PR model Huang Yun
This year’s Platinum Award went to JungleFish Shanghai in recognition of years of media and public relations (PR) support. We are very grateful for JungleFish for designing our website, brochures, CSR certificates, amongst many other media and PR materials. Their designs have been professional and beautiful. JungleFish has not only proven to be branding magicians but also great supporters of inclusivity and diversity.
Gold Award
To be receive the Gold Award, a company has to make monetary or equivalent contribution of 100,000 RMB and above.
This year’s Gold Award recipients are:
Alfmeier | 艾福迈汽车系统

Mr. Markus Shwartz the GM of Alfmeier, Mr. Thilo Koeppe Chairman of the board and Peng Xin – our leading operator for the Alfmeier project.
We met Mr Schwartz, Deputy General Manager of Alfmeier, at a Christmas Party organized by the German Chamber of Commerce. Since then, Alfmeier has shown great commitment to the Inclusion Factory. They have provided us with constant work orders, as well as gifted us a machine from their European operations that has been modified to suit our needs. Since meeting Mr Schwartz, we have produced approximately 20,000 pieces a month for Alfmeier.
IN50 Design | 昱华建筑

Mr. Waterson Lim the founder of In50 Design
Inclusion Factory interior looks as beautiful as it is thanks to in50 Design Beijing. in50 Design Beijing has also kindly designed the second floor of our office, which will begin renovations in a week. This tremendous support from in50 was provided completely free of charge!
Orchisky | 兰天软件

Shelly the GeneralManager of Orchisky,our board member Ms. Jessicar Shen & our computer lover Sheng Zhigang
Orchisky has been our IT supplier for the past 3 years. Not only have they provided technical assistance on an almost daily basis, but have now extended their generosity by providing support to launch a full ERP system tailored specifically to our operations.
AdenServices | 埃顿服务

Mr. Derek Xu, East China regional director of Aden services and Mr. EricBreslin, Li Li who controls the daily food distribution to all the employees.
5 years of social innovation could not have been achieved on empty stomachs. For the past 5 years, Aden Services has been responsible for keeping our stomachs full and hearts fueled. Special thanks goes out to our board member Erik Breslein, General Manager of Zollner Electronics, who has financially contributed to part of the resources and services provided by Aden.
Pearl Award
To be receive the Pearl Award, a company has to makea monetary or equivalent contribution of 15,000 RMB and above.
This year’s Pearl Award recipients are:
Brose | 博泽汽车部件

Mrs. Jenny Xiang,President of Brose China
Brose has supported Inclusion Factory in two ways: first, they have sponsored our company’s outings, the employees’ music seminars, and our Employee-of-the-Month program; second, they have also started placing orders from us. We are excited to embark on this new journey with a familiar friend!

Mr. Armin Liebler, theGeneral Manager of GSN,our order and organization loving, You Jingfang.
We all know how challenging it is to find a partner that fully understands your needs. It took us 4 and a half years but we eventually found one! Thank you GSN for making Inclusion Factory look like a state-of-the-art factory in such a short period of time!
HoffmannGroup | 霍夫曼集团

Dr. Christian Kober,Hoffmann group Senior Vice President Asia,Yu Ziheng, our production assistant who makes use of the donated tools ona daily basis.
Our continued effort to making Inclusion Factory a top-quality supplier cannot be done without using the best tools in the market. We are grateful for Hoffman Group’s generous donation. We would not be where we are today without your high-quality tools!
Every year our company participates in the Taicang Oktoberfest. Our participation would not have been possible without the support of the following organizations and companies. First, we would like to thank TRTs for their generous invitation. Next, we would also like to thank the companies listed below that have supported us by providing booth services and media coverage during Taicang Oktoberfest over the past three years. We would like to especially thank you this year for further supporting us with a monetary donation.
Four Points by Sheraton Taicang
HMDMedia & Advertising
Long Standing Award
The Long-Standing Award honors companies that have supported us over an extended period of time. The recipients are:
Waelzholz | 威尔斯

Mr Li Financial Managerof Waelzholz , Lu Chunxiao & Chen Xiaofeng who have been with us from dayone
When we established the Inclusion Factory, we knew we wanted to create a meaningful brand. In addition to JungleFish, Waelholz have been key in providing us with the financial support to create our brand and share our stories. Thank you Waelzholz not just for the past three years of media and branding support, but also showing us that there are numerus ways to support our cause–all you need is the will to do so.
Special Contribution Award
Zurita Madrid

Monica, the owner ofZurita Madrid ,our models Ji Yiran & her motherPeng Haiying. Sun Xiaoli, Yang yanping, Chen Shiqi and Huang Yun to the stage.
Our final award is a special one. We are deeply committed to promoting the inclusion and equality of people with disabilities. This year, we partnered up with Zurita Madrid, a sustainable fashion brand based in Shanghai, to further promote diversity and beauty amongst people with disabilities.
Zurita initiated a fashion campaign titled “Designed for Success”: an inclusive fashion campaign that featured 5 of our beautiful employees. Photos taken for the campaign were featured in an exhibition in Shanghai and the campaign’s video has received over 10,000 views: reminding more and more people that beauty belongs to all!
Thank you once again to all our partners, our hardworking employees and fellow parents for your support. You are our strength and motivation to go farther and farther!
No matter where you came from: to all of our many dear friends, you are the reason for our growth and progress.’ This goes out to all of you!