How should we properly address individuals with disabilities?
“以人为本”(People First),强调的是人,而不是他们的残障。“身份第一”(Identity First)则认为,残障是个人身份的固有组成部分。

图述:一共有六个小人,其中五个小人在下面,这5个小人中有两个使用着助行器和轮椅,还有一个小人站在一个大型的数字“1”上,文字内容是“People First”。
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废物, 残废 Disabled person, handicapped, handicapable, person with special needs, atypical, person living with a disability, differently abled, people of all abilities, people of determination, those with disabilities. |
残障人士 身心障碍人士 Person with disability, Person with [type of impairment], Persons with disabilities, People with disabilities (only in easy-to-read documents, informal text, and oral speech). |
瞎子 The blind, partially sighted. |
视力障碍人士、盲人 Blind person, Person who is blind, Person with a vision/visual disability, Person with a vision/visual impairment, Person with low vision, Deafblind person. |
聋子、聋哑人 The deaf, hearing impaired, deaf and dumb, deaf and mute. |
听力障碍人士、聋人 Deaf person, Person who is deaf, Person with a hearing disability, Person with a hearing impairment, Person with hearing loss, Hard-of-hearing person, Deafblind person. |
疯子、精神病、 痴呆、脑子有问题 Insane, crazy, maniac, psycho, hypersensitive, lunatic, demented, panicked, agitated, mentally deranged, mentally ill, person with mental health problems. |
精神障碍人士 Person with a psychosocial disability. |
呆子、弱智、低能儿、傻子、脑子有病 Retarded, simple, slow, afflicted, brain-damaged, intellectually challenged, subnormal, of unsound mind, feeble-minded, mentally handicapped, mentally retarded. |
智力障碍人士、 心智障碍人士 Person with an intellectual disability. Person with an intellectual impairment. |
瘸子、拐子、跛子、畸形 Crippled, invalid, deformed, lame, handicapped, physi- cally challenged, person with physical limitations, limp, person with physical difficulty, home-bound, bedridden. |
肢体障碍人士 Person with a physical disability. Person with a physical impairment. |
矮子、侏儒 |
生长障碍人士 |
残疾人座椅(洗手间、车位) |
无障碍座椅(洗手间、车位) |
正常的、正常人、健全人 Normal, Healthy, able-bodied, typical, whole, of sound body/mind. |
普通的、非残障人士 Person(s) without impairment. Broader population. |
可怜的、弱势的、遭遇不幸 Suffer from, afflicted by, stricken by, troubled with. |
有需求的、有障碍的 With disability/impairment/ condition. |
撰稿| Neville